Concrete Communities

I signed up for a tour to see Habitat 67 over the Canada Day long weekend. They only started allowing tours in 2019.

It’s called Habitat 67 because it was built last minute for Expo 67, itself hosted last minute in Montreal. Together there are 146 residences of varying sizes and configurations, each formed from one to eight linked concrete units.

The development was designed to integrate the benefits of the new wave of suburban living — namely gardens, privacy, views, and multilevel environments — with the economics and density of a modern urban affordable housing project.

Doors Open

This weekend was Doors Open T.O. where the city opens Public Buildings like the courthouse to the general public. I got to visit some architectural firms around the design district to see the direction the city is going. I also visited the U of T Daniels Building, Osgoode Hall, and the Lawrence Building.

Morning Light

As the days start later and the shadows get longer, I’ve found that the light entering my apartment in the morning casts a wonderful glow on the furniture. Here I’ve captured one image, each day, for the past week at 9am.
